Wohi Bot Faroshi, Wohi Bot Gari Hai
Cinema Hai Ya San’at-e-Azari Hai
Cinema—or new fetish‐fashioning,
Idol‐making and mongering still?
Woh San’at Na Thi, Shewa-e-Kafiri Tha
Ye San’at Nahin, Shewa-e-Sahiri Hai
Art, men called that olden voodoo—
Art, they call this mumbo‐jumbo;
Woh Mazhab Tha Aqwam-e-Ehd-e-Kuhan Ka
Ye Tehzeeb-e-Hazir Ki Soudagari Hai
That—antiquityʹs poor religion:
This—modernityʹs pigeon‐plucking;
Woh Dunya Ki Mitti, Ye Dozkh Ki Mitti
Woh Bot Khana Khaki, Ye Khakastari Hai
That—earthʹs soil: this—soil of Hades;
Dust, their temple; ashes, ours.
Wohi Bot Faroshi, Wohi Bot Gari Hai
Cinema Hai Ya San’at-e-Azari Hai
Cinema—or new fetish‐fashioning,
Idol‐making and mongering still?
Woh San’at Na Thi, Shewa-e-Kafiri Tha
Ye San’at Nahin, Shewa-e-Sahiri Hai
Art, men called that olden voodoo—
Art, they call this mumbo‐jumbo;
Woh Mazhab Tha Aqwam-e-Ehd-e-Kuhan Ka
Ye Tehzeeb-e-Hazir Ki Soudagari Hai
That—antiquityʹs poor religion:
This—modernityʹs pigeon‐plucking;
Woh Dunya Ki Mitti, Ye Dozkh Ki Mitti
Woh Bot Khana Khaki, Ye Khakastari Hai
That—earthʹs soil: this—soil of Hades;
Dust, their temple; ashes, ours.
Can someone explain?